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Thursday, March 18, 2010


You're walking us toward a precipice, Amanda
SAW III is my favorite movie from the series.  I guess if I were to order the movies it would go something like 3,1,6,2,4,5.  SAW III gave me what I was looking for- answers.  Namely, how can a man with cancer get away with all this?  The answer is simple: An accomplice.  I realize these films have a main character with cancer who has an unlimited supply of real estate, equipment and the complete psychological history of his subjects, but SAW III added a sense of authenticity to these films.  Still with me?  Yeah I said authenticity.  The SAW movies never seemed too far-fetched, I mean just the main concept of a man forcing others into situations where they must maim themselves or die, is plausible, just not in ways as elaborate as these films (but hey, they're FILMS).
Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet.
Let's jump into it shall we?  SAW III picks up right where SAW II left off- Detective Matthews screaming in the dark.    How's he going to get out of this pickle?  In one of the most awful ways imaginable that's how.  See, I've got a thing about ankle injuries in film.  Tendon slicing and compound fractures just make me want to die.  I mean, I have ankles so it could happen to me right?  *Shudder.  Detective Matthews surveys the situation, a few dead bodies and a hacksaw.  He knows what he has to do, he gags himself and grabs the tool *snicker.  We know what's coming, thank god it's in the dark this time right?  But then he loses his nerve.  Phew.  Oh god, what's he doing with that toilet cover?  He's not going to....oh gawd no! Please no!  That's right, Detective Matthews breaks his ankle, nay, he OBLITERATES it.  Those sounds bothered me for weeks.  But he's not done yet.  Nope, not with blood gushing and bone splinters he then TWISTS IT!!!! Welcome to SAW III y'all.  In another dark and creepy warehouse room, the SWAT team discovers another Jigsaw victim, or rather what's left of him.  We see familiar faces again- SWAT commander Riggs and Detective Kerry, hoping this victim isn't their friend.  Plus there's another detectve, Hoffman who doesn't seem to do much but pocket evidence (HMMMMM).  Kerry notices that even if the victim escaped his trap, the door was welded shut, he couldn't have gotten out anyway.  A Jigsaw game that can't be won?  Needless to say Kerry winds up in a trap of her own.  This one's called the "Angel of Death." And it's not the kind of trap you walk away from.
  Doctor Denlon has been kidnapped from the hospital where she and Dr. Gordon happened to diagnose the same patient.  We are then brought with her to Jigsaw's new lair courtesy of Amanda.  After a traipse throw mannequins, medical equipment and vicious implements, we are reintroduced to Jigsaw, and guess what? He wants to play a game.  This game seems simple, Dr. Denlon must keep Jigsaw alive, if he dies, she dies, courtesy of a shot-gun collar linked to his heart monitor (authenticity right?).  Apparently Jigsaw wants to teach the value of life.  There is another test subject, Jeff who is going through three trials of his own.  If Jigsaw is alive after Jeff's tests, then Dr. Denlon can go.  Problem is, Jigsaw is dying, quickly.  While the doctor tries to save Jigsaw's life, Jeff wakes up with a cassette player.  Jeff's son was killed by a drunk driver and he never recovered.  The witness did not come forward, the judge sentenced too lightly, and the killer got away.  The tests that Jeff go through are meant to teach him forgiveness.  By the way, Jeff is played by Angus Macfadyen, yup, Robert the Bruce is a test subject.  The traps that Jeff must face are a new landmark for the SAW movies, they involve other people.  The witness, the judge, the killer.  Jeff can choose to hurt himself saving them, or watch them die.  As Jeff and Dr. Denlon fight through Jigsaw's games we flashback to events two films deep to fill in the story between Amanda and Jigsaw.
Oh-kay.  Like I said this is my favorite SAW movie.  I love the interactions between Jigsaw and Amanda.  Watching them prepare the room from the first SAW, seeing Amanda kidnap Adam, hell even watching Jigsaw paint that creepy doll was awesome.  I really liked seeing Jigsaw prepare Amanda's trap.  When I watched the first two films I thought everything was meticulously thought out and in this film you see it.  If these films could happen, they would happen like this.  Power drill brain surgery.  Wow.  I think out of all the pain and traps, that scene stuck with me the most.  And he went through it all to teach a lesson.  Talk about dedication!  The message of this story, oddly enough, is forgiveness.  By way of power tools.  Even to those who have hurt you.  Everyone deserves a chance.  Jigsaw's traps have always given the subject the opportunity to walk away.  Not Amanda's.  Amanda committed murder.  Jigsaw does not condone murder, and he despises murderers. Can Amanda survive her game?  Can Jeff forgive those who caused him pain?  Can Dr. Denlon save Jigsaw's life?  
Live or die Jeff, make our choice...

I like Shawnee Smith's haircut. 
I like that after three films, we are still in that same bathroom. 
I like how the sicker Jigsaw gets, the more awesome his hideout becomes. 
I like Donnie Wahlberg's performance in this one.  A lot. 
I like that Jigsaw owns a city block worth of mannequin/meat factories and industrial bathrooms. 
I like the transitions in this film, especially the bear trap transition.
I like how this could have easily been the end of the series and I would have been cool with it.  
So with every character sans Jeff killed, how can these films go on?  Stay tuned dear readers...

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