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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome welcome welcome

Argento. Carpenter. Lovecraft. Aja. Green. Haig. Craven. Hooper. Barker. Englund. Goblin. Romero. Gaimen. Paxton. Dourif. If these names don't mean anything to you then you are reading the wrong blog. If you can't name at least two people who have played Jason, or that Michael Meyers wasn't in Halloween III, this blog is not for you. This blog is for horror fans. I have loved horror ever since my father introduced (read:traumatized) me at the age of 7 with the double feature of When A Stranger Calls and Halloween. Needless to say my babysitters never lasted long due to my constant stalking around the house and menacing phone calls- "WHY HAVEN'T YOU CHECKED THE CHILDREN...ER...CHILD...ER...ME? ARE THE PIZZA ROLLS READY?" I would walk around the rental section at Randall's engrossed by those awesome VHS covers from the horror section you know those awesome drawn covers? Sure the movies like Basket Case or Rosemary's Killer weren't the best movies but holy crap were those covers eye catching. I would walk out of movie stores with Halloween IV, Friday the 13th Part 2 and The Land Before Time IV: This Time it's Personal. I've read a few horror blogs and have noticed a lot of venom and whining about movies. This isn't one of those blogs. Movies are like food. You like what you like. I love hot dogs. But don't I know what sorts of horrible things go in there? Sure, but it taste good. Horror taste good to me. I have a lot of ideas for this blog, and I hope I can deliver on all of them. I want to look at actors of our genre: Brad Dourif, Lance Henrickson, Bruce Cambell, Udo Kier, Robert Englund, Jeffrey Combs, Tom Atkins, I could go on for days. You know, the guys who are rock stars to us but are usually known as 'that crazy/creepy' guy from that one movie or one of the Law & Orders or CSI's. I also hope to examine franchises: Halloweens, Friday the 13ths, Nightmare on Elm Streets, Saws, Hellraisers, Child's Plays The Exorcists (Exorcisi?) etc. I hope to pick a series every week or so and examine each movie, and talk about what I love about them. I also want to pick movies I think are underrated and try and share them with you (we? us?) I think that is one of my favorite things about the genre. Fans are part of a secret, we know the conventions, we know the expectations. Who hasn't popped in The Thing or Suspiria into the DVD player with an unsuspecting person and watched them watch the movie? So there you have it dear readers, I'm not going to be flaming Rob Zombie or whining about remakes. I just want to post an appreciative blog each week talking about the genre that I love. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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